Travel to Hungary
Your guide to
visit Hungary
Travel to Hungary and discover a land with a rich history, picturesque landscapes, castles, natural hot water springs and a vibrant capital city. Find out all you need to know before you visit Hungary.
Travel to Budapest
Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is one of the most popular destination in Hungary.
So, let’s start there, as you probably will!
We wrote quite a few travel guides to Budapest.
Ultimate travel guide to Budapest
There’s a lot to say about Budapest, as you will notice once you start researching your trip to Hungary.
That’s why we created one guide to cover everything. The ultimate guide to Budapest has links to all the other guides. All you need to know about Budapest, it’s all in here!
A Perfect Budapest Itinerary
All you need for Budapest, the perfect itinerary.
We created the ideal 3-day itinerary for Budapest.
During these 3 days, you’ll see all the highlights and everything that’s typical about Budapest.
So, have a look at our self-guided Budapest tour and find out what you’re not supposed to miss.
Additionally, book one of the guided tours that looks interesting to you, in order to make your time in the capital of Hungary extra special.
Hungary Beyond Budapest
Yes, there’s more to Hungary than just Budapest!
I know, you would think that was it, but it’s not.
We got some nice things to discover in the rest of the country, so brace yourself and get ready for a wild ride though Hungary!
Let’s start slowly, like, with a day trip from Budapest…
16 of the finest day trips from Budapest
If you only have one or two days to spare, then a day trip from the capital is the perfect way to go.
We gathered some of the coolest trips you can do in one day, starting from Budapest.
Have a look to see if somthing triggers you to venture out of the capital.
The Coolest Cities of Hungary
Before we visited Hungary, we would never have expected the abundance of cool cities in Hungary.
They’re not like Budapest, but they’re definitely worth considering, especially if you have a few extra days to spend.
Have a look at the most interesting cities!
21 cool cities to visit in Hungary
We listed 21 cool cities in Hungary and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. As a traveller, you can easily create an itinerary through Hungary, seeing all the cities that draw you attention.
The Danube Bend cities are easy to combine in a day trip. Cities in Eastern Hungary and the Bukk Mountains are a little further afield, but cal also be combined. And the there’s the cities in the South.
The Beauty of Lake Balaton
A trip to Lake Balaton is like a holiday to the Mediterranean, more or less.
Lake Balaton is a great summer destination. There are tons of things to see and do around the lake.
Make sure to also explore the different cute villages and towns around the lake.
Find more cities on the map
There’s more to see in Hungary besides Budapest!
Explore the places we talk about on this website and find your destination city.
The map below shows all the cities we talk about with their one day itinerary or a list of interesting things to do.
So, let’s dive in and start exploring!
Accommodation in Hungary
Obviously, you will need a place to rest your weary head after exploring all these cities, hidden gems, and natural beauty.
Don’t worry, we got you covered!
We selected quite a few hotels in Hungary, from beautifully designed boutique hotels, to wellness hotels where you can enjoy the thermal springs Hungary is known for.
Let’s see some options!
Looking for something else?
Maybe we missed a spot, or maybe we didn’t mention it in this page.
If you’re looking for something specific on this website, whether it be about Hungary or not, you can always use the looking glass in the upper right corner and type your search term. Maybe the right answer pops up when you do!
Happy travels!